Our services are traditional and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bi-lingual and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers. Children are most welcome.
Our Torah Reading is interactive with short engaging explanations.
A sit down Kiddush follows services every week. We encourage everyone to stay and enjoy, to interact and socialize, which enhances our community warmth.
Davening Times
Morning Minyan: Monday-Friday 7:15am
Friday Night:
6:00pm (service times vary based on the season-see weekly email for accurate times)
6:30 pm (Summer Months- After Pesach)
Shabbat Services: 9:30am
Torah Reading: 10:30AM, which includes Rabbi Solomon's short explanations on the weekly Torah portion
followed by Mussaf, Kiddush & Mincha
Kids Program: 11:00AM (when applicable)
Services conclude at approximately 12:30PM followed by a delicious sit down Kiddush (to sponsor a Kiddush Click Here)
Sunday Morning Shacharis: 8:15am